The Lorenz group

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

We research the interaction of light with matter at the quantum scale.

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Photon Sources

Generating and characterizing sources of photonic quantum states.
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Storage and Spectroscopy

Studying storage and retrieval of single photons and single-excitation-level response of materials.
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Quantum Networks

Developing quantum-enhanced sensing and publicly accessible quantum networks.
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11/2023 We have launched the first publicly accessible quantum network!
7/2023 See our recent paper on bandwidth-extrapolation-based superresolution!
3/2023 See our recent paper on the sensitivity of ensemble quantum memories to fluctuations and drift!
2/2023 Check out our new tutorial on fiber-based photon-pair sources!
4/2020 Congratulations to Kai Shinbrough on receiving a Scott Anderson Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award!
11/2019 Congratulations to Yujie Zhang on receiving a University Fellowship for outstanding research accomplishments!
9/2019 We have created the first discrete-energy entangled three-photon W state! Read about it in Physical Review Letters and this press release.
9/2019 Read about our recent discovery of spin-orbit torque generated within ferromagnets in Nature Nanotechnology and this press release.
9/2018 Congratulations to Bin Fang for being chosen as a finalist for the Carl E. Anderson Division of Laser Science Dissertation Award, which recognizes doctoral research in the Laser Science area and encourages effective written and oral presentation of research results! Bin presented his work at a special Dissertation Award Session of the annual APS Division of Laser Science meeting.
4/2018 Congratulations to Halise Celik for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis, "Spin-orbit torque measurements in heavy metal/ferromagnet heterostructures using the magneto-optic Kerr effect"!
1/2018 Congratulations to Bin Fang for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis, "Manipulation of photonic quantum states: from generation, engineering, and characterization to storage and retrieval"!
10/2017 Congratulations to Wenrui Wang for receiving the Lam Research Corporation Scholarship!
4/2016 Congratulations to Seth Meiselman for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis, "Spontaneous transient ultrafast coherent Raman spectroscopy"!
5/2016 Our work demonstrating efficient multidimensional characterization of photon-pair sources using stimulated emission tomography has been published: "Multidimensional characterization of an entangled photon-pair source via stimulated emission tomography".
7/2015 Lab renovations at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are complete!
10/2014 Congratulations to Halise Celik on winning the University of Delaware Department of Physics and Astronomy's Best Research Paper award!
10/2014 We have demonstrated a new technique that efficiently captures the joint spectral correlations of photon pairs: "Fast and highly resolved capture of the joint spectral density of photon pairs"
8/2014 Our work on measuring coherence oscillations has been published: "Observation of coherence oscillations of single ensemble excitations in methanol"
01/2014 We have developed a new method for measuring spin-orbit torque in magnetic bilayers. See our recent paper in Nature Communications: "Quantifying interface and bulk contributions to spin-orbit torque in magnetic bilayers."
09/2013 Congratulations to Bin Fang on receiving the Department of Physics and Astronomy's best research paper award and highest GPA award!
01/2013 See our recent paper in Optics Express: "State engineering of photon pairs produced through dual-pump spontaneous four-wave mixing."
05/2012 Bin Fang presented our work on polarization-entangled photon pair generation in standard polarization-maintaining fiber at the 2012 CLEO conference.
03/2012 Congratulations to Jamy Moreno for graduating with an MS with thesis, "Spontaneous four-wave mixing in standard birefringent fiber"! Read it here.
03/2012 Congratulations to Jamy Moreno on receiving the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award!

Funding from the following sources is gratefully acknowledged:

National Science Foundation Department of Energy

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the Department of Energy.